Thursday, September 29, 2011

Two Step Conversions

For harder conversions, convent to the 10^2 prefix first.
Eg.  0.040km  into  cm
0.040km    1000m     *   100cm  4000cm
                    1 km               1  m

Eg.   3400µs    into  hs.
3400µs  *     1      s       *    1        hs 
                    10^6 µs           10^2  s

Eg.  Convent  12 mm   into kilometres.
12mm   *    1      km       *      1         m         = 12*10^-5  km
                   1000  m               1000   mm

The advantage of including unit symbols now becomes evident we set up the conversion factors.

1       m                 1      km
1000mm               1000 m

Eg. convert   15mg  into decigrams.
1000mg=1g            1g=10dg

15mg  *    1           g          *     10   dg 
                  1000 mg                 1      g

Derived Quantity  Conversions.
A derived quantity is when there is more than one is bace whit in a single quantity.
Eg. convert the rate 8km   into cm/s

Two seqatate unit conversions are needed.
  1. km→m→cm
Using 1 km = 1000 m and 100 cm = 1 m
  1. ms→s
Using 1000 ms = 1 s

8  km  *  100  m  *  100 cm  *  1000 ms  = 8*10^8 cm/s
    ms       1    km      1     m        1        s


                                    Matter--has mass + occupics space

a) mixture
           -uniform throughout
           -appears to have only one compornot : solution  colloid(milk)
           -non uniform
           -appears to have more than one comporent: suspursion  mechamical mixture

b) Pure substances
    -one set of propertis
    -one type of particle
         1) Element
             -made of atoms
             -matte in its simplestform
             -cannet be decompe sed: metals, non metals, metallcids
         2) compound
            -made up of element chemieally combined
            -smallest porticle is a mclecult: ionic, covlant

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information

        The WHMIS Symbols

This is a Compressed Gas symbols.  It's a gas kept under pressure.  People should handle with care, can not drop and keep away from heat.  Because the heat may cause the container to explode.
   Oxidizing Materials, is a  fire or explosion risk near flammable or combustible material.  We should keep the material away from combustible materials and store in designated areas.  It may burn itself.  And will release exygen or another oxidizing substance.

This is a flammable symbol.  That is a potential fire hazard.  It may burn in a low temperature. 
Poisonous and infectious material is a potentially fatal poisonous substance.  It may be fatal or cuase permanent damage if it is inhaled, swallowed or absorb through skin.  It may burn skin or eyes on conduce.  These materials are immediately dangerous to life and health.

Toxic is poisonous but not immediately dangerous to health.  It may cause death or permanent damage as a result of repeated exposure over time. 
Biohazardous Infectious Material includes any organisms like bacteria and viruses and the toxins they amay produce that are believed to cause disease.
Corrosive Material can eat through the skin or corrode metals like aluminum or steel.  Corrosive gases such a s ammonia and the acids hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen iodide and hydrogen bromide.
Products which undergo dangerous reactions, when subjected to heat, pressure, shock or allowed to contact water.
What to do fisrt if you on a Chemate in injury
  • Burns: Immerse injury in cold water and then tell the teacher.
  • Cuts and bruises: Stop any bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound.
  • Fainting: Keep the person lying down.  Lossen any tight clothing and keep others from crowding around.
  • Chemicals or Foreign matter in eye:  Flush with running water for at least 15 minutes.
  • Poisoning: Identify the suspected poison and cll the teacher immediately
  • Spilling Chemicals on skin: Remove contaminated clothing.  Flush with running water for at least 15 minutes.